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South Neighborhood Association of West Rogers Park

The South Neighborhood Association of West Rogers Park, Beat 2413, is an alliance of individuals, block clubs and police officers. The association is your representative to the police and other community services and has regular Community Policing problem-solving meetings the 4th Tuesday of each month (except as noted below). We also, periodically, have Special Speakers talk about community and safety issues.

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Meeting Schedule
Court Advocacy Meets periodically
check with Community Relations

Join Our Mailing Lists
2413 Beat Meetings
Notices, District Alerts, Court Advocacy Notices
Safe neighborhoods are every everybody's business.
Please tell your neighbors and friends. - You can make a difference.

e-mail -- on the Internet
PO Box -- Chicago, Illinois -- 60659-7694 -- Fax
To contact the beat facilitator Send an email to:

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